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Mark Read Verify Integrated Solution (MARVIS) for car manufacturing industry toward IoT and Industry 4.0 with barcode.

In Car manufacturing industry, every part of the car should be mark with it own identity for track and trace process before it being fix into bar body. A breakthrough solution for industry 4.0 with barcode for traceability applications is now offer by Datalogic. Marking with Datalogic AREX laser marker the identity of the spare part for the car. Verify it with Datalogic P16 vision inspection is the pre quality control for the car manufacturer. Beside with the industry 2D imager to capture the spare part identity with inspection photo.


Marking directly on engine block and verify after marking is another successful solution done by the datalogic for most of the europe car manufacturer. Combining the AREX and Matrix 300 to complete the mark and track application give the clear data information for customer to have record on production date for the engine block.

Marking on car bearing is one of the common application for important bearing traceability application. Fast marking and reading to track process can be complete with datalogic marker and reader set which consist of Ulyxe and matrix 120 scanner.

Create your free business card barcode for free at

by: pang

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