6 tricks you may follow when you try to implement asset tracking for your company.

For asset tracking to be implemented properly, you need to have proper planning before starting to do the installation and data migration. A lot of users just install and try to use the asset tracking software, end up the whole training operation becoming not smooth and again fail by the end of the day.


Below are the few steps you may take note when you want to do asset tracking.
  1. Proper planning on the asset number, asset group and asset type.
  2. Proper planning and naming of location and sub location.
  3. Additional field to be added to existing asset
  4. User management who are going to user the software and their role
  5. Supplier listing who are supplying you the asset
  6. Customer / staff who are borrowing the asset and returning the asset
Learn more about asset tracking from 
Learn More about Autotrack Professional Asset Tracking

by: pang
