Autotrack On Demand Item Allocation on Shelf Solution

Handling warehouse is one of the challenging and memories draining activity for most of the warehouse manager. Autotrack team know the pain and difficulty face by most of the warehouse manager, this is why we develop an On Demand Item Shelf Allocation solution to assist the store manager in managing and tracking the Item in store. 

Item Shelf allocation system work mainly for production internal store allocation where by no supplier and customer involvement in the operation. The store manager uses the Item Shelf Allocation Solution mainly for the purpose of temporary allocate their finish production item before it being send to next subsequence process or next requester. No fixing of location even for the same item produce. For more detail tracking purpose, serial number of the product will be recorded for identification purposes.

Implementation for item shelf allocation solution is pretty simple, it mainly is a standalone operation where by no data will be post to any inventory solution system. Store manager will base on Autotrack as their working environment and locate the required item base on the scanned item code/part number/barcode or serial number. For any 3rd parties’ software integration of existing item allocation data, Autotrack Mobilecomm can be purchase a separate middle ware to interface with customer current inventory solution.

Data logging include operator information, location, date time and preventing duplication is handle well be Autotrack On Demand Item Shelf Allocation. Summary report for warehouse manager produce daily. Autotrack team will assist you to add additional reporting format with minimum fee apply to you for better reporting presentation. All the collected data will be allowing to be export as excel file format by the end of the process.

Security of data in critical for most of the organization, Autotrack allow different level personnel to view different report and working on different activity. Prebuild user management on the Autotrack management software give you this flexibility of managing user who want to access the collection allocation data. Building base on solid Microsoft SQL database as a storage for your collected data allow user to enjoy up to 10GB free storage for the first time you purchase Autotrack On Demand Allocation Module, If you would want to store your collected data up to 100 or 200 years, upgrade SQL to enterprise edition, it will allow you to store up to thousand or Tera Byte data.

by: pangbk
