After implementation of Goods and Services Tax in Malaysia,
all company who wanted to start their shop required to computerize all their
transaction in order for the GST payment to the government. Up to date,
Malaysia have custom already certify up to 200++ company where by compliant to
Malaysia GST. Other than having GST
compliant software, business owner also required to have various type of
hardware use to setup and records their daily transaction, below is the various
equipment can need for the new business starting. We simplify the name on these
devices as Point Of Sales equipment or P.O.S. equipment. Below is the listing
for POS device:
Cash drawer: The place for business owner to store their
money and cheque temporary for a day of transaction.
Receipt printer: The printer use to print our receipt or
invoices for the customer after they may the payment, the receipt must contain
GST number for the shop, this is the prove of GST already pay to the shop.
Customer display: The display show to customer how much in
total they need to pay on the product they purchase.
Touch screen monitor: The is the monitor mainly use by
F&B shop where by no barcode will be printed on the goods they are selling,
operator will directly touching on the monitor screen to enter the product information.
Programmable keyboard: this the a special keyboard use by retailer
who are selling item which do not be able apply barcode mixing together with
item able to apply barcode. Every key represent 1 item in their shop. Commonly see
at cinema, cake house, coffee house and small stall.
Barcode scanner: The reading devices for decoding barcode
printed outside the goods they are selling.
Barcode printer: The device use to print out the label for
the products they are selling together with barcode.
Price checker: machine use to display individual pricing of
the product sell in the shop, allow customer to check the product pricing.

All in One Terminal: This is the integrated POS system use by the shop where by required small space for the counter, it come with touch screen together with CPU and ready for software installation.

Ipad barcode reader: With the introduction of tablet into Point of sales arena, ipad, samsung tablet or other brand tablet start to replace personal computer for this application, due to number of connector of tablet, most of the device must be connect wireless to the tablet or iPad.