Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology to allow object carry it identity and to be identify over the air by using radio frequency. The common frequency use by this industry range from 125 kHz, 900 MHz, and 2.4GHz. The machine or gadget use to detect the carrier is call RFID reader. RFID commonly call by below few term in the market, UHF tag or UHF Label, Smart Tag or smart label, passive tag or passive label, touch and go card and so on. The device use for writing data into RFID card or tag is call RFID encoder and sometime RFID Printer (Machine which come with printing module and RFID encoder). Normal reading distant for passive type of RFID technology varies from 1mm (125Khz) to 10 meter (900MHz) and more than 100 meter (2.4GHz).