Introduction The Gryphon™ 4000 series represents the premium level of data collection devices from Datalogic ADC for general purpose applications. Designed with people in mind, the Gryphon™ I GD4400 imager blends advanced 2D reading with motion sensing technology, producing a user-friendly device with outstanding performance.
Perfect for both handheld and presentation reading, the Gryphon I GD4400 imager features Datalogic’s Motionix™ motion-sensing technology which detects the natural actions of the operator to automatically switch the scanner into the desired scanning mode. This technology works with or without the use of a stand, offering more operational choices. Both the aimer and sensor can be programmed to the user’s desired preferences.
User comfort is maximized with the Gryphon I GD4400 imager’s steady, deep red illumination light. Easier on the eyes than competitive products with flicker illumination, the highly visible 4-Dot aimer defines a precise reading zone and reduces accidental reads. The aimer’s center cross provides a locator for targeted scanning in a multiple bar code environment.
The Gryphon I GD4400 imager provides snappy reading performance on all common 1D and 2D codes as well as postal, stacked and composite codes like PDF417. High Density (HD) models are also available for reading smaller, condensed codes. For mobile marketing or ticketing applications, this imager also offers excellent performance when reading bar codes from mobile devices.
The Gryphon I GD4400 2D omnidirectional reader eliminates the need for separate equipment with signature capture and document scanning capabilities. Its enhanced optics offer improved motion tolerance and high speed imaging to read fast moving codes.
Features - Motionix™ motion-sensing technology for seamless reading mode transitions
- Highly visible 4-Dot aimer with center cross for targeted scanning
- Omnidirectional reading
- Advanced motion tolerance optics
- Multi-interface options: RS-232 / IBM 46XX / USB or RS-232 / USB / Keyboard Wedge / Wand
- Datalogic’s patented ‘Green Spot’ for good-read feedback
Gryphon GD4400, BPOC Kit, USB (Kit includes scanner and cable 90A052065) | GD4410-HCK10-BPOC | Gryphon I GD4410, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black | GD4410-BK | Gryphon I GD4410, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White | GD4410-WH | Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46XX, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Includes Scanner and All in One Permanent Base) | GD4410-BK-B | Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46xx, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and IBM46xx Cable 90A052042) | GD4410-BKK40 | Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46xx, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner and All in One Permanent Base) | GD4410-WH-B | Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, OEM USB, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052055) | GD4410-BKK10 | Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, For Magellan, Black (Kit inc. Imager and RS-232 Cable 90G001095) | GD4410-BKK20 | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, Black with Permanent Base | GD4430-BK-B | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, White with Permanent Base | GD4430-WH-B | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black | GD4430-BK | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, Black | GD4430-BK-HD | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, White | GD4430-WH-HD | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Health Care | GD4430-HC | Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White | GD4430-WH | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Iamger, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-WHK3B | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-BKK3 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-BKK3B | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/Rs-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0360 and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-BKK3H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-BKK3S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-WHK3 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0362 and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-WHK3H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Stand and Cable 90G001010) | GD4430-WHK3S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-BKK2B | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0360, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-BKK2H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-BKK2 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-BKK2S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0362, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-WHK2H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-WHK2 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-WHK2S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | GD4430-WHK2B | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D ImageGryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052065 and Stand) | GD4430-BKK12S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black, (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044) | GD4430-BKK1H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Health Care (Includes Scanner and Cable 90A052044) | GD4430-HCK1 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044) | GD4430-WHK1H | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065) | GD4430-BKK12 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand) | GD4430-BKK1S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) | GD4430-BKK1 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) | GD4430-BKK1B | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand) | GD4430-WHK1S | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) | GD4430-WHK1 | Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) | GD4430-WHK1B |
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Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal | W-GD44-R | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 3 Years | W-GD44-3 | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 5 Years | W-GD44-5 | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 5 Days, 1 Year Renewal | E-GD44-R | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 5 Days, 3 Years | E-GD44-3 | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC 5 Days, 5 Years | E-GD44-5 | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal | Q-GD44-R | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 3 Years | Q-GD44-3 | Gryphon 2D GD4400 EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 5 Years | Q-GD44-5 | MINUMUM REPAIR CHARGE,GRYPHON 44XX D | 354-80 | WHOLE UNIT REPAIR,GRYPHON 44XX D | 354-81 |
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Adapter, KBW to USB, ADP-203 | 90ACC1903 | Cable, IBM 46xx, Port 5b, CAB-445 (Gryphon D412/432 Plus Only), 6.5 ft. | 90A051977 | Cable, IBM 46xx, Port 9B, CAB-446, 12 ft., Coiled | 90A052042 | Cable, IBM AT/XT, KBW, Din Connector, Straight, CAB-322, 7 ft. | 90G001020 | Cable, IBM PS/2, ESD, Minidin Connector-Medium, Straight, CAB-415, 6 ft. | 90A051905 | Cable, IBM VDT 31xx, 32xx, 37xx, Straight, 6.5 ft. | 90G001040 | Cable, IBM VDT. 3151, 34XX, KBW, 8-pin Telephone Connector, Straight, CAB-325, 11 ft. | 90G001050 | Cable, KBW, 4P, Telephone Connector, DEC VDT VT200/220/240/300/320/340/420, CAB-375, 6 ft. | 90A051490 | Cable, RS-232, 25P, Female, Coiled, CAB-363 (Power available on pin 9 of the connector or through external power supply), 6 ft. | 90A051340 | Cable, RS-232, 25P, Female, Straight, CAB-328 (Power Supply available on pin 9 of the connector or with external power supply), 2 Meters | 90G001080 | Cable, RS-232, 25P, Male, Coiled, CAB-364 (Power Supply available on pin 9 of the connector or through external power supply), 6.5 ft. | 90A051350 | Cable, RS-232, 25P, Male, Straight, CAB-320 (Power available on pin 25 of the connector or through power supply), 6 ft. | 90G001000 | Cable, RS-232, 9P, Female, Coiled, CAB-362, External Power, 6 ft. | 90A051330 | Cable, RS-232, 9P, Female, Coiled, CAB-408 (Power available on pin 9 of the connector or through external power supply), 6 ft. | 90A051891 | Cable, RS-232, 9P, Female, Straight, CAB-327, Requires External Power, 6 ft. | 90G000008 | Cable, RS-232, 9P, Female, Straight, CAB-350 (Power Supply available on pin 9 of the connector or through external power supply), 6 ft. | 90A051230 | Cable, RS-232, 9P, Male, Beetle POS, Straight, CAB-389, Power Off Terminal, 6.5 ft. | 90A051710 | Cable, RS-232, DCE, 9P, Extended Power-Power off Terminal, 4 Meters | 90A052086 | Cable, RS-232, ESD, 9P, Female-Medium, Coiled, CAB-411, 6 ft. | 90A051901 | Cable, RS-232,6' (For Magellan) | 90G001092 | Cable, RS-485 IBM VDT 46xx, 9B Port, 4-pin, Straight, POT, CAB-370, 6 ft. | 90A051420 | Cable, USB, IBM PowerPlus Mode, Straight CAB-413, 6 ft. | 90A051903 | Cable, USB, Type A, Enhanced, Straight, Power Off Terminal, 2M (USB Certified) | 90A052065 | Cable, USB, Type A, Straight, 6', CAB-426E (USB Certified) | 90A052044 | Cable, Wand Emulation, 9P, Male, Coiled, CAB-348, 3.2 ft. | 90A051210 | Cable, Wand Emulation, 9P, Male, Straight, CAB-323, 6 ft. | 90G001030 | Cable, WYSE VDT 60/120/160/185/370, KBW, 4P, Telephone Connector, Straight, CAB-373, 6 ft. | 90A051470 |
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 | Protective Case/Belt Holster, Gryphon | PC-G040 |
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 | Holder, Desk/Wall Mount, G040, Black | HLD-G040-BK |  | Holder, Desk/Wall Mount, G040, White | HLD-G040-WH |  | Holder, Multi-Purpose, Black | 11-0360 |  | Holder, Multi-Purpose, Grey | 11-0362 |  | Stand, Basic, G040, Dark Grey | STD-G040-BK |  | Stand, Basic, G040, White | STD-G040-WH |
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Adapter, Power Plug, Australia (Use with 4004-0849) | 6003-0939 | Adapter, Power Plug, Euro (Use with 4004-0849) | 6003-0937 | Adapter, Power Plug, UK (Use with 4004-0849) | 6003-0938 | Adapter, Power Plug, US/Japan (Use with 4004-0849) | 6003-0936 | Power Cord, 2-Pin, EU | 90ACC1885 | Power Cord, 2-Pin, UK | 90ACC1887 | Power Cord, 2-Pin, US | 90ACC1886 | Power Cord, AC, IEC/EU | 6003-0940 | Power Supply, 5VDC, PG5-05P55 (without power cord) | 90ACC1882 | Power Supply, 5VDC, ROHS (Power Adapter Sold Separately.) | 4004-0849 |