What AGen file tracking solution can do for you to simplify the physical file finding process?
AGen File tracking solution is an application plus tested hardware designed plus implementation ideal by AGen team to assist our customer to monitor and manage the movement, changes, and status of physical files or documents within their organization warehouse. The primary goal of AGen file tracking solution is to provide an efficient and organized way to keep track on the location, access, and modifications made to physical files throughout their lifecycle.
AGen file tracking solution using barcode or RFID technology as an identity medium to allow computer systems to identify and locate the physical file location. By selecting in between these 2 different identification techniques, user can either be using their own mobile phone as recording tools or using professional device to assist them to do tracking.
 What is the thing included in AGen File tracking solution?
Agen file tracking solution including AGen software, which is the heart of the whole solution, it uses to record, instruct, and present the digital record of the physical file transactions history. On top of this, AGen team also propose to our customers to select certain professional device to helping them to simplify and faster the data capturing activity. And one of the most important objects include in the solution is AGen team ideal and servicing on how to join this hardware together with software and the standard operating procedure user should follow when performing physical file tracking.
 What is the module included in the AGen Solution?
1. File master – use to record the important information of the physical file. Common information includes the File tile, file creator or author, category and sometime the expiry date.
2. Borrower master – Module for you to manage who will be the user going to loan or return the file. Information commonly added in this module include borrower name, mobile number, email address.
3. Borrow and return module – This transaction recorder module for you to record the borrowing and returning of the physical file.
4. Relocation module – It use if you have more than one physical file storing warehouse and you need to transfer the physical file from 1 warehouse to another warehouse.
5. Disposing module – use for you to record the expired file so you can dispose it from the AGen system and physically.
6. File locating module – allow you to enter the file name into the AGen system and locate where is the current location of the file.
7. Reporting module – Allow you to have the overview of the daily, weekly or monthly transactions happen on your file warehouse.
AGen file tracking solution is a complete end to end solution which assist your and give you peace of mind tracking solution for your physical file storage system. Default system using barcode as identity medium and you can upgrade it to RFID medium is you ready to do so.