Autotrack automation team offer you the stand alone expiry date reading, tracking and verifying solution to make sure your product produce is 100% printed with expiry date on the packaging. This is one of the very fundamental solutions we offer to Malaysia and SIngapore food manufacturing factory to make sure their product packaging is properly printed with expiry date. This is the main requirement for most of the factory in compliance with Malaysia Rule and regulation.

The solution consists of one conveyor system to try to connect back to customer existing conveyor system or we are able to stand alone by co-exist on customer existing conveyor system. Datalogic P series camera is used to detect the presence of the expiry date and Autotrack On Demand Work In Progress is used for data collection to make sure the scanning is fully performed and capture.

Enhanced with 3 colour tower light and industry Panel PC, our complete solution gives the user proper action if any mistake found during the production process.