Do you know you can put all your company information into a small QR 2D barcode? We offer you this tool for free, no cost to generate it.
Thanks for visit us at, in the small effort on environment friendly paperless environment, we offer you at small tool to generate a mobile phone scanable 2D QRbarcode which will automatically add the barcode information into your mobile phone contact, You just need to input in your company name, your business card owner name, card owner office phone number, card owner mobile number, card owner email address, company web url, company address and click the create button, you will be able to generate your business card QR barcode with no cost.
After the barcode is generated, try to use your mobile phone to scan the generated barcode to do auditing checking. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes and then you just save the generated png QRcode picture into your computer or pass it to your business card printer to print it on your business card.
Click below link to create your business card barcode now.
Remember to scan the first sample QR barcode generated for you, save our contact into your phone so you can pass it to other who required this free services.
