Understanding how to use one object one identity in packing department, let see how it can help you?
Introduction The packing department focuses more on the physical process of placing products into their final packaging (e.g., boxes, bags, containers). While efficiency, accuracy, and quality are crucial here, the same level of individual unit identification may not be as critical because the focus is on the collective packing of products, not the individual identification of each pack.
The objective of this packing station is to produce a carton box identity for shipping purposes. The QRCode printed at this stage is different from customer existing ITF14 barcode.
Start from carton box with one object one identity
AGen one object one identity solution on carton box with trace the carton box instead of individual product, AGen in fact recognize that the barcode on the carton box rather than individual product. Manufacturer start the tracking from this stage whereby they are more likely would like to use this barcode for warehouse purposes only and not whole manufacturing tracking. The QRcode create here just for warehouse storage and retrieving purposes.
Start from individual product with one object one identity.
For complete tracking purposes, each individual QRCode on the product will be scan and link together with the carton box identity. This process is completed through the individual product QRcode scanning. You may print out the carton box QRCode by using the inject printer, laser marker or sticker label.
How to start
AGen will offer you the flexible data collection and integration solution, we will make sure your worker performs minimum barcode scanning if you decide to invest into manual barcode scanning system. If you are investing in automated barcode scanning system, the scanning system will be redesign in order to make sure that the scanning system is flow withing the design product flow.
Device involvement
Packing barcode scanning will have 2 option bases on your factory layout and investment.
 Automation Barcode Reading
The carton box scanning or printing station will be linked together with product packaging scanning solutions. The fix position scanner will be use to scan the individual packaging QRCode and the carton box QRCode. Alternatively, the carton box QRCode can be printed using injet printer or barcode label sticker.
 Manual Barcode Reading
The carton box and the packing QRCode will be manually scan by worker using either mobile computer or handheld scanner connected directly with personal computers. The carton box QRCode can be also preprinted or printout using injet printer or label sticker printer.