3 main common identity carrier technologies used for asset tracking in Malaysia, radio frequency, barcode or vision, which technologies are more suitable to your organisation?
3 main commonly used identity technologies in the asset management arena include Radio Frequency (RF) technology, Barcode technology and vision technology. Among these 3 different technologies we can even break into more detailed technology based on its category.
Radio Frequency (RF) identification Technologies.
In the Radio Frequency Technologies identification, the object identity will be translated into digital format and stored in the radio frequency medium. The reading of identity is using radio frequency waves to transmit object identity to the detector and capture into the software system. Common type of radio frequency technology include Global Positioning System Identification (GPS), Ultra High Frequency Radio Identification (UHF), High Frequency identification (HF), Bluetooth Token Identification (BT), WiFi Token Identification (WiFiID) and InfraRed Identification (IRID), each type of technology making use of different wavelength to transmit the identity carrier.

Vision identification Technologies.
With the advancement of cameras and artificial intelligent (AI) technology, the identification of the object becomes easier and faster. The computer is able to recognize the object by small differences in between the similar objects,record their characteristics in the database and identify them in the system. With the tagging of identity number to the object, this item is able to be identified easier by just capturing the object surface view.
Barcode identification technologies
In the barcode identification arena, object identity will be translated into barcode and human readable format and then printed either directly on the asset object or printed on the sticker and stock on the asset surface. Up to this moment, barcode technology is still the most common type of technology used for asset tracking application, the main reason is the reading easiness, equipment cost and consumable cost is low compared with Radio Frequency and vision identification. Type of barcode identification include the 1D barcode reading, 2D barcode reading and the Optical character recognition (OCR reading)
