Evidence Tracking for the enforcement department by using QRCode labeling and camera to make sure the evidence item is properly taken and recorded.
Evidence is the most important object for the enforcement body in the government as well as private sector. It is a proof of the criminal and justice sentence proof. All the legal cases take from 1 day to more than 1 year period to make the final conclusion. The enforcement body has the responsibility to make sure the evidence is properly kept and tracked.
The goal of Autotrack Professional Evidence Tracking is to refine, informatized, and standardized storage of physical evidence and digitally has been achieved. In accordance with the principle of "intensive use and classified storage", various physical evidence and audio-visual materials that have been inspected and appraised have been stored, properly barcoded with QRCode. Fully picture from different angles and easy information retrieving from the internet.
What we offer to you on evidence tracking?
Autotrack team with the assistance of enforcement supporting body design you the latest online tracking solution to assist the enforcement body in order to track their collected evidence and with the check out and check in function for the related body usage. The software developed in this application is used in the entire process of the collection, storage, storage, processing, and delivery of physical evidence information, and the concept of physical evidence flow is introduced. All the information of physical evidence can be retrieved by scanning the barcode on the unique label. The software system is seamlessly connected with the national on-site inspection information system, and information is shared, effectively ensuring the integrity, consistency and effectiveness of the data.
How to use the Autotrack Professional Evidence Tracking?
Once the evidence item is received from the enforcement department into the evidence storage department, the evidence officer will need to label the evidence in the plastic container with the unique identifier 2D QR barcode. At the same time, the difference angle photo of the evidence will be captured before it being saved into the evidence storage room. Any officer who wants to borrow the evidence for further investigation purposes will need to capture their photo during the borrowing process and present their enforcement Identity card for photo recording purposes. The evidence officer has the responsibility to properly capture the borrower ID, photo, borrowing process. The same process applies to evidence returning, the borrower who returns the evidence needs to capture their photo, enforcement ID photo and returning process in order to make sure the evidence is properly received and stored.
Type of evidence to be track
Documentary evidence - include the factual evidence recorded in words, symbols, patterns, etc. to prove a case. The content can be written on paper, cloth, or carved on stone or wood, but no matter what the content is recorded on, the documentary evidence uses the thought content it expresses to prove the facts of the case.
Physical evidence - include the items and traces that prove the facts of a case by its appearance, weight, degree of damage and other characteristics. The blood-stained murder weapon, the body was injured, the damaged items, the footprints of criminals left on the scene, etc.
Audiovisual evidence - this include the materials refer to evidence that uses images, audio and computer-stored materials to prove the facts of a case, such as audio and video materials.