Available Terminal Emulation programs offered by Ivanti to Malaysia Markat running on Windows platform include Windows CE or Windows Mobile.
Teletype network or command-line interface on a remote host server or more commonly known in aidc field as Terminal Emulation is a pure text base application program running on windows based mobile devices applications used to communicate with the backend server. 4 commonly known servers include IBM 5250 terminal, IBM 3270 server, VT and HP server.

Ivanti with its history, company acquisition and product merging, it now carries 3 main product classes to be used on windows mobile terminal. You may still purchase it from alcaidc webstore even the windows base mobile terminal coming to its end of life support.
The available Ivanti Terminal Network program include
Wavelink Terminal Emulation (Wavelink TE) and
Naurtech Terminal Emulation (Naurtech CETerm)
Below is the available part number offer by Ivanti to alcaidc user
22700138 Wavelink Terminal Emulation
22701213 Naurtech Terminal Emulation (Windows CE)
22700123 Naurtech Terminal Emulation (Windows Mobile)
76300122 Naurtech Terminal Emulation (Windows XP)
The same application is also prelicense by many barcode manufacturers into their terminal and bundle together with most of their windows base only terminal.
Brand used to pre license the Wavelink Terminal Emulation Zebra and Datalogic.
Below is the part number from different manufacturers who are also selling Ivanti Terminal Emulation under their part number.
22700138 Zebra Windows based Terminal Emulation OEM from Ivanti
BAR00908 Datalogic Windows Based Terminal Emulation OEM from Ivanti