Question and answer you must know about honeywell latest HF800 fix mount unattended factory scanner launch by Honeywell on 2019

1. How many barcodes can be decoded in 1 scan, can it come from different families, 1D+2D?
max = 64 barcodes.
2. How many units can be joined together, can do master and slave?
1 master with 64 slave.
3. Can It decode OCR?
4. can scan and capture photo or fail scan and capture photo?
5. What is the software name for configuring HF800?
Datamax, software will directly display the photo by using tcpip only.
6. Can it run on 5V DC power?
existing part number can not, new special part number yes.
7. Lighting color option.
8. brightness adjustment
9. how many input and output IO? 2input and 2 output
10. The connection box, If DC power reverse connects. Does Scanner get self protection?
short time yes. Long period No. 11. able to scan Inverted barcode? Yes, just do need setting.
12. Can it use to scan PCB board for 18650 lithium ion battery, green color background?
Difficult for black colour printing, easy for white colour.
13. Does support External light trigger sync ?
Yes, must use a communication box.
14. can trigger on and off?
15. Trigger sensor is Pnp or npn?
both also can.
16. can decode when the scanner can in video mode, Can it combine the reading code within a specific scanning period?
yes, ideal for A4 size scanner, existing case.
17. can have a validator function?
No at this moment.
18. Do HF800 offer Polarize Model?
Not at this moment.
19. Do HF800 have grading function with build in ISO Algorithm (DPM15415, DPM29158) for verifying purpose?
No. for current model, will be include into upcoming newer model.