Honeywell Orbit 7120 scanner with USB interface, ideal presentation scanner to be use at Point of Sales counter


Honeywell orbit 7120 barcode scanner come with compact and solid footprint. Compare with other model in it class, orbit 7120 is being recognised as most responsive scanning device in its class. With the design to fits in the most space constrained areas, yet offers flexibility of a much larger scanner — the large high-mounted exit window enables scanning of even taller items.

Come with 20 scanning line in omni direction scanning area, it give a flexible for the user to present it scanning action. Added with it sweet spot scanning, orbit scanner have be selected as first pass read rate by the user. Come with flash ROM make you to easily configure the scanner buy just using the metroset2 software and standard PC.

Light weight at only 400g and input voltage 5VDC and maximum current usage of 180mA, it make orbit scanner become the most ideal scanner to work with Notebook at the situation no direct current source at the out of field environment.

by: pang
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