To program a suffix on the Android device, follow the steps below:
- Press 'Apps Icon'
- Press 'Settings'
- Press 'Scanning'
- Press 'Defaults'
- Press 'Data Processing Settings'
- Press 'Suffix Key'
- Enter one of the following options:
- For a 'Enter' use '\x0D\x0A'
- For a 'LF' use '\x0A' or '\n'
- For a 'CR' use \x0D' or '\r'
- For a 'Tab' use '\x09' or '\t'
- Also set the value of 'Wedge as keys' is to '9,10,13'
- Tap 'OK' to save the change.
- Reboot the device for the options to be installed.
Test in application to make sure the cursor advances to the line below or to the next input field.