How can you print out barcodes by referring to your excel data without the key in the record again on the A4 paper sticker?
Autotrack Label designer offers you the simple way to print your sticker on A4 sticker with your existing office inkjet or laserjet printer. The user just needs to select and print, printing by group, printing by location, printing by shelf. Just need to select and filter the record on the dataview then you can easily print the sticker.

Without investing into an expensive label sticker printer, just need to install this easy to use label designer software then you can print out the sticker in A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and etc format. Based on the printing concept of select and print, filter and print. It makes the printing so easy to be finished by the user.
Common application Autotrack Label Designer with excel link
Product shelf rack labeling
Product EAN13 barcode printing
Product price tag printing.
Food price tag printing.
Warehouse bin barcode printing
Warehouse barcode signature
Barcode checking list for store
Stock take label printing
Staff name tag printing
Student name with barcode printing
Online webstore stock take label printing
Online webstore label storage purpose
File labeling purpose
File rack labeling purpose
Library shelf barcode racking purpose
Transforming excel data to barcode stickers is always the basic inventory for your start up business. We alway offer you the simple and easy to implement software to assist you on this purpose. The additional advantage of this printing is you have the ability to track your printed records and you can anytime refer back to the printed excel records just in case you need a reference on the printed record to avoid duplication.
