Let compare 2 most part number of Honeywell EDA57 in Malaysia, what is the different between EDA57-11BE81H21RK and EDA57-11BE61H21RK
Let zoom into the main different between 2 popular EDA57 part number in malaysia,EDA57-11BE81H21RK versus EDA57-11BE61H21RK, do you know than only the memory specification is different, other specification is identical for both part number. So are you willing to pay a bit more to upgrade from 4GB/64GB to 6GB/128GB memory?
 EDA57-11BE81H21RK EDA57 (2PIN),5G,WWAN & WLAN, Android 12 with GMS,Wi-Fi 5, HD 1440 x 720, S0703 Imager, 2.2GHz 8 core, 6GB/128GB Memory, 16MP+8MP Cameras, Bluetooth 5.1, NFC, Battery 4500 mAh, USB Type C,Kit includes USB -C Cable, Power adaptor must be ordered separately.
EDA57-11BE61H21RK EDA57 (2PIN),5G,WWAN & WLAN, Android 12 with GMS,Wi-Fi 5, HD 1440 x 720, S0703 Imager, 2.2GHz 8 core, 4GB/64GB Memory, 16MP+8MP Cameras, Bluetooth 5.1, NFC, Battery 4500 mAh, USB Type C,Kit includes USB -C Cable, Power adaptor must be ordered separately.
 The most important aspect is you not able to see the different when you run AGen Stocktake application on both part number. So I am you, I will select the 4GB/64GB is good enough.