What are the target markets and applications for Datalogic Powerscan 9600 DPM scanner in Malaysia and Singapore.
To complete up the market segment for Datalogic scanner. Powerscan 9600 have launched at year 2024. The target markets listed are automotive, aerospace, electronics, hospitals, and manufacturing. The applications listed are tires and healthcare.
 Automotive and Aerospace: Tires are listed as a target market for both automotive and aerospace industries. This makes sense, as both industries rely heavily on tires for transportation. In the automotive industry, tires are essential for the safe operation of cars, trucks, and other vehicles. In the aerospace industry, tires are used on aircraft landing gear to absorb the impact of landing and taxiing.
 Electronics: The electronics industry is the back bone for Malaysia economic, Datalogic offer Powerscan 9600 DPM targeted to this industry in order to simplify the PCB QRCode marked reading and wafer DPM barcode reading.
 Hospitals: Hospitals are main industry worldwide where data capturing is a must to prevent any mistake happen before, during and after the treatment. Powerscan9600 offer you this easy-to-use data capturing reader to simplify the barcode reading in the hospital and clinic.
Manufacturing: The manufacturing industry is a broad category that encompasses a wide range of products. Powerscan 9600 target mainly on the heavy industry data capturing due to it rugged design and IP rating.
Other Target Markets and Applications
In addition to the target markets listed above, there are many other industries that use powerscan 9600. These include:

 Construction: Tires are used on construction equipment such as cranes, bulldozers, and graders.
Agriculture: Tires are used on agricultural equipment such as tractors, combines, and harvesters.
Mining: Tires are used on mining equipment such as haul trucks and loaders.
Retail: Tires are used on shopping carts and other retail equipment.
Datalogic Powerscan 9600 are a versatile product that is used in a wide variety of industries. The target markets and applications for different manufacturing in Malaysia and Singapore are constantly evolving as new technologies are developed.