Stock take process becomes so simple with the help of barcode readers and barcode stickers implemented in your online warehouse.
Barcode was invented with the purpose of simplifying inventory management purposes and making your business easier. With the help of barcode stocktake solution offered by Autotrack team, your stock take process becomes easier and can be finished within the shortest time.
 2 simple steps of stock take process, scan the rack or bin number and scan the product barcode stick or printed on your product. Continuous until you completely scan the barcode on the rack and change to another rack. Autotrack helps you to generate the report in order to help you to complete the account submission to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri.
 Scan the barcode with clear feedback sound from the mobile computer and clear the next instruction what you need to do during the stock take process make the stock take become easier and fun compared previously. Autotrack team carry the mission to simplify your stock take and make sure your inventory is up to date and tally with your inventory system
This simple but tedious process is always ignored by most of the companies in the market because of the unorganized barcode or inventory system they have, mistakes always happen during the day to day repetition process. With the proper stock take system. It can help you to make your inventory more efficient and systematic.
