Datalogic barcoding solution suitable for your physical shop and online web-store automation application, call alcaidc for more on how to implement a barcode system.
What market segment can Datalogic offer to you in malaysia for better digitalisation on organisation data processing and smarter organisation operation. Effective from 2020 May, Datalogic restructured its market segment focus to 4 market segments including Retail, manufacturing, transportation & Logistics and Healthcare. For different market segments, Datalogic offers different types of solutions in order to assist our customers in terms of reducing the work process and being more automated workflow.
In the retail segment including online store automation, Datalogic offers the market fully integrated barcoding system with customer existing retail solutions. Datalogic most sellable desktop scanner Magellan series scanner now improved with the bright green spot technology after scanning will be the most helpful assistant for the retail market. In 2020, datalogic category their retail market solution into the below solution for Malaysia retailers to reference when they would like to automate their retail store automation.

Below is the main application solution offer by Datalogic and implement by alcaidc in Malaysia market to assist the retailer and online retailers to improve their inventory arrangement and customer shopping experience.
 In automated checkout scanning solution, this is the sulution ideal to be use not only to retail front end. it also a ideal solution to scan barcode in the warehouse checkout counter in order for the online shopping store checkout checking process to make sure the order is no mistake happen versus the customer order.
 In the checkout loss prevention, Datalogic offer you the camera solution to prevent any lose during the checkout.
 for convenience checkout barcode scanning, Datalogic come with full complete range of barcode scanning devices waiting for your selection.
 Datalogic gryphon scanner is the ideal scanner to be use for grocery checkout usage.
 Inventory checking or stock take is the most popular application to be use by most of the retailer to make sure the stock quantity is fully match with their system quantity. In Malaysia, alcaidc with the help of Datalogic Memor 10, it make the stock take become the most selleable solution in the market.
 Autotrack On demand price tag printing solution have been work together with Datalogic terminal include Datalogic Skorpio, Memor and falcon range of mobile computer to allow shop owner to reprint their stock pricing information.
 Queue busting is a generally new solution in Malaysia. it help to shortern the time for customer queue for paying and checkout.
 Shelf replenishment is also the common solution to be use by most of the retailer to verify their replenished product fully updated the POS system.
 In the self shopping experience offer by Datalogic, it consider a new shopping experience in Malaysia where customer encourage to do own product information checking during the shopping.